What can a decade of data tell us about workplace mental health?

Every year for the past ten years, we’ve listened to the voices of workers nationwide to capture their workplace experiences, gathering over 75,000 responses to our Indicators of a Thriving Workplace (ITW) survey. This wealth of information has given us insights into the ongoing state of workplace mental health and is invaluable to learn from.

In celebration of SuperFriend’s milestone, this report will reflect on these trends from both our own data, as well as the overall workplace mental health landscape so that we can look ahead and shape a better future.

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Celebrating a Decade of Data and Collective Impact

This year, we’re marking a milestone—a Decade of Data and a steadfast commitment to improving workplace mental health. Together with global insurer Allianz, we’re reflecting on the paradox we face today: despite increased mental health awareness, reduced stigma, and a stronger focus on harmful workplace experiences, rising psychological injury claims persist, showing that more action is needed from organisations and leaders. 

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The Power of Collaboration

We believe that lasting change is possible when we work together. By integrating insights from thousands of workers and key stakeholders across industries, we’ve developed innovative, holistic solutions that guide organisations toward better mental health outcomes. When work is good, it’s transformative. It brings a sense of purpose, social connection, and the value of contribution, all while driving productivity and reducing the costly burden of injury claims. 

 Our inclusive approach of both quantitative and qualitative data encourages a richness of thinking and ensures the #CollectiveVoice is heard, creating truly thriving workplaces for all — employers, Partners, legislators, and most importantly, workers. Let’s continue shaping the future of work, together. 



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Interested in taking action to shift the dial on workplace mental health? Check out some of our solutions and resources.

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