It's a pretty universal feeling, wanting to work in an organisation that not only values its employees and their contributions, but also prioritises their mental health and wellbeing - however reality doesn't always match up to expectations.

Our 2020 Indicators of a Thriving Workplace report shows that workers feel supported and enjoy their job more when their workplaces are taking tangible action and committing to improving the mental health and wellbeing of their staff.

When a workplace is thriving, employees feel safe, can bring their best self to work and contribute to the success of the business. These organisations don't just talk the talk when it comes to workplace mental health, they walk the walk as well.

Thriving workplaces generally demonstrate at least eight of these best practice activities:

  1. Ensure all leaders regularly participate in mental health and wellbeing training
  2. Provide access to mental health and wellbeing education (i.e., training and information)
  3. Actively provide professional development opportunities
  4. Let people see the mental health policies and processes in action
  5. Implement effective policies and practices against workplace bullying and harassment
  6. Develop good return to work policies and practices for people who have had time off work with mental health conditions
  7. Recognise people who do good work and reward them appropriately
  8. Put clear structures in place for transparent decision making
  9. Develop policies to ensure that changes are managed in clear, supportive and positive ways
  10. Help people to practice good work/family/life integration
  11. Make it easy for everyone to access confidential counselling or support services

If you've looked at the list of activities and think you may need some help turning your workplace into one that thrives, we have the solution for you.

We've developed a range of workplace mental health training packages that have been designed by our workplace wellbeing experts. They draw on workplace mental health best practices and have been created to help you solve specific problems when building or improving the mental health and wellbeing of your employees.

If you don't know where to start... try the Introduction to Workplace Mental Health package. It'll give you the tools to kickstart your workplace mental health journey.

If you want to give your team complete support... try the Premium Package (for all employers). It'll give your team access to four training courses, plus numerous resources to create a workplace that prioritises mental health.

If you want to lead from the front... try the Leading Teams Well package. It'll give your leaders the knowledge to build a mentally health workplace from the top down.

These are just a few of the packages we've built to help you support your employees and build a mentally health and safe workplace. If what you're after isn't listed above, don't worry. There are six other packages that may suit your organisation's needs.

Ready to invest in your employee's mental health and wellbeing? Learn more or enquire about a package here today.