Our vision is for all Australian workplaces to be mentally healthy.

So why invest in workplace mental health?

For many of us, a significant portion of our waking hours are spent at work. It’s safe to say the workplace can make a huge impact on quality of life which is why investing in workplace mental health is necessary.

Why invest in workplace mental health

We exist to help people thrive at work, both today and tomorrow.

SuperFriend, in collaboration with our Funding Partners, industry, and workplaces, is dedicated to helping people thrive at work. Together, we’re moving beyond awareness and stigma reduction to provide actionable insights that drive real change in mental health and wellbeing across workplaces and industries. The enduring support of our Super Fund and Life Insurance Partners is essential to advancing our research, delivering evidence-based solutions, and making a positive difference in workplaces across Australia.

Are you:

  • A MEMBER seeking individual resources or support, with your Super Fund featured here?
  • Representing an ORGANISATION looking for workplace support, with your nominated Super Fund featured here?
  • One of the above except your Super Fund is not listed here?

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Australia’s largest annual survey for
workplace mental health and wellbeing

Each year SuperFriend conducts Australia’s largest survey for workplace mental health. The Indicators of a Thriving Workplace provides valuable insights into the state of workplace mental health across Australia and within industries like education, healthcare, construction, hospitality, mining, retail, transport and many more.

We are now in our tenth consecutive year of conducting this survey and it is the largest of its kind, capturing a wide range of indicators influencing workplace mental health.

The indicators of this survey are presented across five Domains which we believe are essential for building a thriving workplace.

The work we do

Established and trusted research providing organisations with unique and rich insights into the state of Australia’s  mental health at a workplace and industry level.

Advocate for practical and lasting systems change in Australian workplaces, by working collaboratively across the mental health sector and with our Partners and stakeholders.

Support our Partners, organisations and industries by helping build an integrated approach to workplace mental health.

Provide free practical workplace education i.e. mental health resources and advice to support workplaces and their employees.


"I would recommend SuperFriend for research based and supported programmes that provide excellent tools and resources to help a business support and develop an integrated health and wellbeing programme. Best online learning and package that I have personally completed and great workshops custom developed for your needs and aims. We highly recommend SuperFriend to your school or business."

-Rob Stretch, Risk and Compliance Manager, Canberra Grammar School
Workplace mental health

Not sure where
to start?

Our workplace mental health
experts are here to help you.