Leading Mentally Healthy Teams

Leaders play a vital role in creating a mentally healthy work environment.
Research consistently tells us that one of the most influential factors on a workplace’s ability to thrive is regular mental health and wellbeing training for leaders.[1]
Employees are more likely to thrive in workplaces where they feel seen and heard by leadership. Leaders also need to be seen modelling what is expected in the workplace including taking care of their own wellbeing.
SuperFriend’s Leading Mentally Healthy Teams course promotes individual wellbeing and increases understanding of how to support a cohesive team and promote a mentally healthy workplace.
About this course
SuperFriend’s Leading Mentally Healthy Teams course provides learners with an understanding of the importance of a mentally healthy workplace, the role of leaders in supporting their organisation’s initiatives and practical skills to support their team’s wellbeing.
After completing this course, learners will have an increased awareness of how to manage psychological risk and the importance of self care for themselves and their team during times of stress, isolation, and change.
What’s included
This course includes the following online learning modules for leaders :
- The importance of leaders in supporting mental health and wellbeing
- Understanding legal obligations and responsibilities
- Supporting your team using an integrated approach
- Psychological risk and protective factors in the workplace
- Having a care conversation
To complete Leading Mentally Healthy Teams, learners first need to complete the prerequisite course Mental Health Essentials, which must be purchased separately. This course includes the following online modules:
- Introduction to mental health and wellbeing
- Employee legal rights and responsibilities related to mental health
- Peer support
- Building positive relationships
- Looking after yourself
1. Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety. Mental Health – Psychosocial risk factors in the workplace [Internet]. [Cited 2018 April 3] Available from: http://www.ccohs.ca/oshanswers/psychosocial/mentalhealth_risk.html
10 short online modules (2.2hrs)
Resources: Access to additional supporting resources – tools, tip sheets, videos, articles.
- What is a mentally healthy workplace
- Supporting your team using an integrated approach
- Identifying risk and protective factors
- How to have a care conversation.
- Leaders’ mental health roles and responsibilities
This course is recommended for all people leaders
Mental Health Essentials Course must be completed before starting Workplace Mental Health Essentials for Leaders
Online learning:
$75+GST per learner