David Caple
Health and Safety Consulting Services
David is strongly committed to assisting workplaces to provide a physical and mentally health environment to meet the diversity of worker’s needs. His background in Human Factors and Ergonomics (HFE) in providing independent consulting and research support to governments and industry during the last 40 years has focused on a participatory model to ensure that the needs of workers as well as the management are heard and respected. With his multi-disciplinary team of colleagues David has led projects at industry level to develop strategies, management systems and programs to address emerging health and safety risks. These include physical, cognitive and psychosocial risks in the workplace.
David was an Adjunct Professor at Latrobe University and an Independent member of the Victorian Government Health and Safety Advisory Committee. These roles enabled involvement in data analysis, policy development and evaluation as part of quality assurance models to address health and safety risks.
David has been an active member of his professional association in Australia and globally. He was the President of the International Ergonomics Association and continues his involvement in research and governance of this organisation.